Atrebo wishes to inform all employees and suppliers a resounding message of opposition to the commission of any illegal act or that, in any way, contravenes the provisions of this Code and its development regulations.
Likewise, Atrebo is willing to combat these acts and prevent a possible deterioration of the image and reputational value of the Company.
We fulfill the commitments acquired, thus showing our integrity and confidence. We protect the confidentiality of the information entrusted to us, whether from customers, employees or suppliers.
Atrebo commit to respect recognized human rights, in the International Charter of Human Rights and the principles related to the rights established in the Declaration of the International Labor Organization.
In this regard, Atrebo is adhered to the United Nations Global Pact. All Atrebo’s employees and suppliers must support this commitment and carry out their activities with full respect and guarantee of human rights and public liberties.
We ensure compliance with all laws, regulations and regulatory obligations, both national and international, also considering among them internal policies and regulations.
It is strictly forbidden for an Atrebo’s employee or supplier to participate, directly or indirectly, in bribes to authorities and / or public officials, managers, employees or collaborators from entities outside Atrebo.
In the same way, Atrebo’s employees or suppliers cannot accept, request or receive payments, gifts or other services that are outside the lawful uses of the market from persons or entities outside Atrebo.
All types of bribery are prohibited. It is not allowed to promise, offer or give any benefit or advantage of any nature to people, in order to influence decisions of any kind (including governmental, administrative or judicial) or obtain advantages improper for the Company.
It is also prohibited to accept any benefit or advantage that may result in a breach of obligations and duties of the employees of the Company.
We do not offer or accept gifts, invitations or other incentives that can reward or influence a business decision. We avoid or declare any conflict of interest that may put personal priorities before the collective ones.
We behave with rectitude, without in any case seeking our own or third party benefit through improper use of our position or our contacts in Atrebo.
We act institutionally with absolute political neutrality and refrain from any direct or indirect taking of positions, whether for or against legitimate political processes and actors.
We do not make donations in cash or in kind, of any nature, to political parties, organizations, factions, movements, entities, be they public or private, whose activity is clearly linked to political activity.
We respect the principles of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as the statements of the International Labor Organization.
We promote equal opportunities and treat all people fairly and impartially, without prejudices associated with race, color, nationality, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability or family responsibilities.
We offer our employees a safe work environment.
We establish all possible mechanisms to prevent accidents, injuries and occupational diseases that are associated with our professional activity through strict compliance with all regulations, training and preventive management of occupational hazards.
We offer our customers innovative and reliable products and services that have a good quality and an adjusted price.
We control and ensure that our products and those we distribute meet all safety standards and manufacturing quality.
We report any case in which health risk is detected, taking the appropriate actions to resolve them.
We are committed to sustainable development, environmental protection and the reduction of any negative impact of our operations in the environment.
Those who request advice or want to report an incident will be treated with absolute confidentiality.
Please if you are aware of any misconduct of an Atrebo’s employee or provider of our Ethics Code of Conduct, you can use our secure channel:

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