
TowerXchange Meetup Europe 2022 will gather renowned experts from The telecom infrastructure industry.

Since the last face-to-face meeting of the European tower industry back in 2019, TowerXchange has finally decided to reunite experts from the telecom infrastructure sector this year, 2022.

The 6th Annual TowerXchange Meetup Europe will be held on 17th and 18th May in Novotel London West, London, UK and it will be marked by the big shifts caused by towers’ carve-outs.

Specifically, from 2019 to 2022, over 330,000 towers have either been carved out or changed hands, so this fact is causing a great impact on the market and therefore, it will be very interesting to hear what experts have to say about it.

Atrebo will be in the meeting place for the European tower industry to share insights and create synergies with telecom infrastructure specialists.

A lot of significant changes in the sector are expected to be discussed such as: the emergence of new towercos, how existing players are expanding their geographical footprint, the consolidation of new infrastructures and technology like 5G roll-outs, as well as the use of Open RAN, or “green” trends like net zero carbon emission adopted by telcos.

Although much has been said about these facts, the industry needs to gather MNOs, Towercos and their whole ecosystem all together to provide a holistic vision of what’s happening and what will happen in the upcoming years. 

Among the participants at TowerXchange Meetup Europe 2022, we will have the pleasure to meet attendees and speakers from companies such as Cellnex, Vantage Towers, TOTEM, American Tower, and more.

We are looking forward to this new exciting event to have the opportunity to share our thoughts about the future of telecom industry.

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