

¿What is the BigER project?

Atrebo collaborates with the technological and biotechnological cluster of Southern Europe, onTech Innovation to carry out the BigER Project. The BigER Project is an initiative funded by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism within the support program for AEIs to contribute to improving the competitiveness of Spanish industry, and with the support of the European Union through the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.

Type of Project: Industrial Research
Reference: AEI-010500-2022b-60
Objective: Predictive analysis of renewable energy generation infrastructures based on Bigdata algorithms, “BigER”.

Research and validation of the proofs of concept necessary to optimize the management of solar generation assets through advanced algorithms capable of exploiting large volumes of information.

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More information about the BigER project

The BigER project develops a predictive analysis system for renewable energy generation in infrastructure, based on Big Data algorithms and focused on photovoltaic and solar generation.

Through the use of Artificial Intelligence, the system facilitates the early detection of failures and inefficiencies in renewable energy generation plants, as well as an accurate analysis of the causes.
