We have been hearing about the improvements that the benefits of 5G will bring almost since the 4G network was implemented.
Well, we can already say that it is a reality.
Today, the 5G network is implemented in many countries and although it is not finalised, many of them already enjoy this connectivity.
«For anything to happen, something has to be done first.»
Albert Einstein
It may be thought that the main improvements of 5G will come from the technical side, but in fact the main improvement will be from the technological point of view.
This is what is called in the telecommunications sector ”emerging telecom technologies” where the fifth generation network will enable other technologies to increase, helping organisations to progress.
There is no doubt that the fifth-generation network will bring great advances by which many companies will be able to increase their performance.
If you’re a little out of the loop, this is the place to get up to speed.
What is 5G?
5G can be defined as the network that is in a constant process of implementation.
Among all its qualities, one of the most relevant is its ability to adapt to devices.
Our daily lives will change, 5G will not only adapt to smartphones, but also to all those objects connected thanks to the Internet of Things.
This breakthrough will help increase smart devices as well as intelligent infrastructures, multiply the data collection and machine learning capabilities of infrastructures, and will also increase the automation of processes such as product manufacturing, automated car driving or tele-assisted surgery.
Benefits of 5G
The 5G network will enable the full development of other technologies such as IoT,artificial intelligence, cloud computing, virtual and augmented reality, or data analysis to develop fully, thanks to low latency and higher bandwidth.
It is estimated that the fifth-generation network allows 1,000 times more data transmission than the 4G network.
Some of the benefits of 5G are:
- Higher transmission speeds of up to 15-20 GB per second.
- Lower latency will make the reaction and execution time of orders ten times shorter than the current one.
- Better connectivity as 50 billion smart objects can be interconnected through the Internet of Things. Although not only in intelligent objects there will be an improvement in connectivity, also in all those devices adapted to the 5G network, making, for example, remote working benefit and have a better implementation.
- It will lead to advances in augmented and virtual reality.
- Increase in productivity, since by increasing the speed of data transmission it will be possible to obtain an improvement in the control of productivity.
However, there are also concerns about the deployment of 5G networks that are being studied and addressed over time.
One of these concerns is power consumption. 5G technology will need more energy in order to achieve this efficiency.
There are also doubts about the privacy and security of data on the network, as more devices are connected, the risk is greater.
Impact of 5G on business
Leaving aside the less favourable aspects, we can say that the benefits of 5G will generate more advances than setbacks, especially in industry by transforming the way it manages its processes.
The telecommunications sector will also be favourably altered, as it will be possible to manage processes digitally and remotely by automating systems.
An example would he access to an infrastructure or site whereby a tool can be used to digitally plan and automate access to it, facilitating site maintenance.
The impact of 5G on businesses will go beyond this, however, as it will become essential, enabling organisations to evolve to another level.
As mentioned above, 5G will enable many objects such as machinery, infrastructure, automobiles and devices to progress to such a level that it will offer companies numerous opportunities for improvement.
Opportunities such as the automation of processes, new sectors that require this technology, such as Smart Cities, improvements in the customer sales experience with augmented or virtual reality, or even a more optimal management of each asset or process of a company.
Get to know one of our modules: TREE.fibre
The scenario posed by the arrival of 5G requires fluidity and coherence maintained over time, as well as speed of response and tracking of metrics.
We seek continuous improvement of 5G-derived asset processes, eliminating the conceptual boundaries that have separated radiant assets from underground assets and keeping your telecommunications network visible at all time.
To this end, we have created TREE.fibre, designed to respond to the growing trend to replace conventional information distribution networks with high-speed, high-technology networks: Optical Fibre, equipped with a set of tools that integrates and relates various components (users, hardware, software, processes) that allow any optical fibre line to be geographically located simply by tracing the location on a map and TREE takes care of attributing the rest of the necessary parameters, thus solving the most fundamental difference between radiant assets and optical fibre networks.
To learn more about TREE.fibre or how to help your company manage its telecommunications processes, you can contact us and request a Demo.